SAF Story

We share our thoughts, feelings, everyday living, and stories with one another on SNS every moment every day.
a symbol, which binds together everything you wants to share.
a symbol, which binds together everything you wants to share.

‘# HashTag’
From where did '#' come from?
When the human race first began a community life,
the source of life which was as important as fire was 'water.'
And it was around the well '井,' a place for survival that water was shared.
From the very place,
people shared their feelings, thoughts, information and
stories as well as 'water' with one another,
piling up a sense of community,
through which they turned into 'we.'
‘共’, a Chinese character meaning 'together, may have come from ‘井’,
a Chinese character meaning 'a well.'
Am I right?
A sense of community called ‘共’ being together
arising from ‘井’ a well!
Now, in the 21st century, '#', has turned into an icon for sharing across the world.
2016 SAF
intends to share '# Together, we make Delight' with all the people
in the process of dismantlement, reinterpretation, and recomposition
of primary contents produced by SBS
based on the imaginative 'hashtag' originating from 'the well.'